Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Politics - 10/28

Wow, I am so tired and scared of what is to come. However, I need to count my blessings. I have a beautiful child, a wonderful, loving husband, I have the most supportive friends (well, most of them). I am truly blessed. Life can just be difficult at times.

I have been very boldly stating my opinion about Prop. 8. I've been received by many supporters and some non-supporters I guess you can say. I am going to post 2 emails that I have written in response to my non-supporters. I feel very strongly about this issue and I feel that it is my responsibility to stand up for what is right! I hope that you will take the time to read them.

- When we testify in court we are required to swear on the Bible. Should that be taken away as well? Our money says “In God we Trust,” our Pledge of Allegiance says “One Nation Under God.” By no means am I saying that we all HAVE to believe in God. I am saying that this nation should never take that away from those who do believe in God. If you have not noticed we have never had laws that went against Gods law and it has worked out pretty well. “Thou shall not kill,” thou shall not steal.” These are perfect examples. Now we are trying to make a law that goes against the very Bible we swear upon in a court of law. If we take that away then every sworn in oath is in vain because we have completely contradicted the very book we are swearing upon.

- In our constitution it was quite clear that our forefathers did not want homosexual marriages. Marriage is between a man and a woman. If they want to have a relationship then let them do what they want to do, however marriage was never intended for that. If you read California Family Code Section 297.5 you will read that all registered domestic partners have the same rights, same protections and same benefits. Homosexuals lose absolutely nothing by the definition of marriage remaining “between a man and a woman.” However, on the flip side, every Christian is forced to relinquish their faith and deny the Bible, or the words of God himself.

- I clearly mentioned to you that I do not dislike homosexuals or reject them. I accept them as people, I just don’t agree with their moral stance, or what they do. I do not agree they are born homosexual. I believe people are born with weaknesses and temptations, or even homosexual tendencies. I believe that they have the ability to overcome them if they choose. I have never been rude or not accepted a homosexual as a person. Believe it or not I even have had homosexual friends that respected my opinion more than you do. The Mormon religion does not reject them, or say to treat them badly. Everything that you have brought up has to do with the LDS religion, which I have not mentioned once. I have only mentioned the Bible, which the majority of this nation believes in. We live in a democracy where the majority rules; a government for the people and by the people. Last time I checked the majority of this nation believes in the Bible.

- You said that CA was the more intelligent state because they have legalized gay marriage. CA did not choose to legalize it, it was actually voted against “by the majority.” It was 4 Supreme Court judges who decided to override our votes and legalize it. Again, I thought we lived in a democracy not a dictatorship.

- Both sexes can go in the same bathroom and locker rooms. Swartz wants to take facts out of history books to make it more comfortable for gays, therefore depriving our children of the history they deserve to know and learn. In these ways gay marriage will hurt the world my child has to grow up in. It will teach her that really there is no line, anything goes, it is not important to follow what the Bible has taught us, and morality has simply lost its sacredness.

- I am sure you are aware that gay marriage was legalized in Massachusetts. In 2006 a second grade teacher was reading a story about two princes who were married to each other and both became Kings. Parents objected, however the courts ruled that the parents had no right to know in advance that their teacher was going to teach their children about homosexuality. In addition the parents were not allowed to take their children out of class. Adoption agencies are also REQUIRED to place children in homosexual homes. Churches are now going to be REUIRED to perform gay marriages, even though it is completely against their religion. Talk about who is forcing whose beliefs on whom.

- I am not forcing religion on the gov by voting for Prop 8. If you have not noticed from the facts I stated above the government is actually forcing me and my family to denounce our beliefs and standards in the name of tolerance. I am taking a moral stance. If the gov promoted sex before marriage, marriage between brothers and sisters, or even marriage between a man and an animal I would take a stance. As I stated before, there is a line and it has to be drawn somewhere. This country would not be as successful as it has been if we just said “well anything goes.” You and I have a different opinion as to where that line should be drawn. I believe that if we allow homosexuals to be married then we should also allow brothers and sisters to be married. We should also allow a man or woman to marry their dog if they like. Whose to say they were not born like that and therefore should have that right.

- You also misunderstood my comment about fearing God. Fearing God and not man is a common phrase I thought you would have heard before. Fear, meaning respect. What I mean is that I fear the judgment of God more than I fear the judgment of Man. To fear God simply means that I do not fear man, nor am I afraid to go against the grains of society. You are right when you say that God would never punish me for being kind or loving to someone who was gay, but he will judge me if I do not take a moral stance and stand up for what I believe and know to be right.

Now I will post the second one:

If it were only that simple. By legalizing gay marriage you are opening up an entire can of worms for our corrupt government. It shocks me how blind this current generation is to truly believe that the government really wants to look out just for the good of man kind and not their own pocket books.

It is not just MY religion, it is all of Christianity, which this nation was founded upon. It is in the BIBLE, which everyone now days are so willing to go against. All I have to say is don't shoot me, I am just the messenger.

If you read the paper I pasted below, including all the court cases you will see just a crumb of what is to come if we legalize gay marriage. Churches are being sued for teaching that homosexuality is a sin. The Bible is being called an evil book because GOD himself has said that it is a sin and an abomination. The constitution has granted us Freedom of Speech, Freedom to practice how and where we want to. Yet if we say that homosexuality is a sin, because we are again restating what God himself has said, we are bigots and could even go to jail. Churches are losing their tax-exempt status for teaching what the Bible says. They are also being sued for thousands of dollars for teaching the TRUTH! If that is not a breech of the constitution I don't know what is. I am not forcing anyone to be straight, or end his or her relationship. If you read California Family Code 297.5 it states: "domestic partners shall have the same rights, protections and benefits...as married spouses."

Do you not hear what has happened in Massachusetts in the schools? Because gay marriage has been legalized the government is now forcing schools to include homosexuality in their lessons, depriving parents of teaching sexual orientation to their own children. In 2006 a second grade teacher read a book to the class about two princes who got married to each other and became kings. Parents objected and stated that if they wanted their children to learn about sexual orientation, they would be the ones to introduce that matter to them. The courts ruled against those parents and said that since gay marriage was allowed in that state that parents have no RIGHT to know in advance that the teacher would be teaching their children about homosexuality and sexual orientation. It would be considered a hate crime to take your child out of school for such reasons. SECOND GRADE! Are you kidding me??? What happen to letting kids be kids, what happen to innocence and purity and sacredness? Most of all, don't parents have the right to be teaching their children about such delicate issues such as these?

In another case a Father wanted to pull his kids from class because he did not feel it was right that the school was teaching their kids about such issues and that it went against his Christian beliefs. He was put in jail for doing so.

In sex ed classes the teachers are teaching the children about what objects gay couples use in order to have sexual intercourse. I don't know about you, but I don't want my little Madeline coming home from school asking me about these things, nor believing that they are right, because they are NOT!

I could go on with pages of information of what will happen and what has already happened in states where gay marriage is legalized. Are we not tapping upon the door of indoctrination or what? Does no one stand up for the very God who created us anymore? Is it more important to make this world convenient for the natural man who succumbs to their every desire without first taking a step back and questioning if what they are doing is wrong or right. Are we that scared to hurt someone’s feelings and tell them that homosexuality is WRONG and that it is a SIN that we will completely deny God's words.

As I have stated so many times God is the one who created laws, not man. Law began with God and it will end with God.

There is a line that we must draw!!! If there is no line, than really anything goes.

If homosexuals are born that way and should therefore be allowed to be legally married than who is to say that brothers and sisters are not born to be in love with one another and should therefore be allowed to be married? Should we also include bestiality when it all comes down to it? Should we bring polygamy back because I am pretty sure that it is possible that one person can be in love with multiple people? Should I be able to marry myself, because I am pretty sure that I do love myself? Where does it stop?

I know your heart is in the right place. I hope that I have not offended you in any way, but I will always stand for what is RIGHT and what is TRUE!

It all comes down to the TRUTH. Please read what I am pasting below. It is what I wrote to another friend.

I know that there is a God and while evil might triumph at certain times and in certain places, it is righteousness that will reign in the end. It is God himself who created law, not man. Law began with God and it will end with God. God sent us here as a probationary period to be tested on all levels. He knew that there would be evil, he knew that at times it would triumph. His purpose was not to take that away. He knew that he had to let it happen in order for us to really learn; to know the difference between good and evil and choose for ourselves. One cannot know if something is sweet if they have never tasted something that is sour.

God created man and woman (Adam and Eve) to be together, “to multiply and replenish the earth.” We are one big family here on earth, whether we like it or not and whether we get along or not. He knew the only way for us to truly become like him was for us to have families of our own. When I had my daughter Madeline, the spirit in the room was absolutely overwhelming. Giving birth is truly a miracle that astonishes me. Others may say that it is all possible through science, that there is no God. I say that it is possible through God, who is the one who created science. I know that my daughter is a gift from God and I must raise her to the best of my ability so that one day she can return to him.

I know there are many here however who struggle with infertility. We were all given struggles here on earth for a reason. God does not tell us that reason because he wants us to figure it out for ourselves. I truly believe that those who struggle with infertility were meant to give loving homes to those children who would not otherwise have one.

I do believe that people are born with different tendencies and different weaknesses. They were born with these because God knew they had the strength to overcome them. Like I said before, God would never put us in any situation we could not overcome and he would never give us a commandment that we could not abide by.

I believe that many are born with a more addictive nature and become addicted to drugs, pornography, or even sex. Just because they were born with these tendencies I do not believe that we should amend the constitution so these individuals will have the freedom to practice these tendencies anywhere they would like, or so that schools and churches would be forced to teach that these people are doing what is natural to them and it is therefore normal.

I do believe that people are born with homosexual tendencies. In my previous emails to you I did not explain myself properly on my thoughts on this subject and I apologize for that. I do believe and know that they have the ability to overcome these tendencies if they choose to do so. If they choose not to that is none of my business and I will not force them to do so. However, I will not let the tendencies and weaknesses of others dip into my rights of freedom of speech and freedom of religion. I will never say that it is normal and that it is not a sin and that the Bible is evil for denouncing homosexual practices. I believe that that is what the government and many individuals are trying to do through the legalization of gay marriage. I will stand strong and not back down on this issue. I may lose, but what matters is that I stood up for what I KNOW to be true!


1 comment:

  1. You know your facts girl. We need to get together soon.:) If you want to see my blog email me angierooney4@yahoo.com
