Sunday, November 22, 2009

"What are YOU thankful for?"


One of my favorite times of year. It is not crowded with the stress of buying presents and the forgetting of why we even celebrate these holidays in the first place. It is purely a holiday where you sit around with the people you love the most and celebrate everything and everyone you are grateful for.

I am thankful for my family and to know that we are an eternal family. My husband and daughter are my world. Waking up to them everyday makes my life already feel complete. I feel so complete with them, I cannot even fathom why the Lord is so gracious to bless me with another perfect little gift from him.

I am thankful for trials. By no means are they punishments from God. They are disguised gifts that make us stronger, more humble, more grateful and closer to those who really matter. They help us to realize our potential as children of a perfect being.

I am thankful for the sheer knowledge that God lives, loves us, and wants nothing more than for us to live with him once again and for us to be eternally happy.

I am sooooooo blessed and do not have ONE thing in my life to not be grateful for.

I would love for you to share what you are grateful for?

Click here for a sweet Thanksgiving message.



  1. I love Maddie's little belly. So precious.

  2. thanks for that post! it was great, i watched that you tube clip and cried. ( i do a lot of that lately :) but i loved it. i think to often lately i have been dwelling on everything thats gone wrong for us lately and i haven't thought about all that we have and all i should be greatful for, so thanks marci for that reminder and putting things into perspective for me.

  3. In answer to your question... In addition to the regular stuff (Scott, Mason, home, gospel, etc...) this year I am especially grateful for a kind and loving Father in Heaven who clearly knows what we're going through and gives us a boost when we need it the most :)

  4. so many amazing blessings! hope you had a good thanksgiving- and took advantage of "eating for 2!"
