Thursday, March 26, 2009

He loves me, he loves me not? HE LOVES ME!

Yes, he did ladies.  My hubby came home yesterday with some beautiful flowers.  I stared at them all night and I am continuing to stare at them all morning.  Flowers make me so happy, especially with this ugly weather right now.  What is it about flowers that make most of us girls so happy?  For me, I believe the reason I love them so much is that they make me feel fresh, beautiful and appreciative for all the beautiful gifts are Heavenly Father has provided for us. Thank you so much hubby, you really made my week!!!

I love these pics, they make me look forward for what is to come this summer.  Plus it cracks me up that Madeline will only wear her sunglasses when we go on a walk.  Madeline and Luke have been hanging out quite a bit lately and I think that they are finally acknowledging that each other exist.  Madeline has been really into babies lately.  It cracks me up that they are so fascinated by other little people.  I wander if they think they are big and are not a baby.  Who knows, but it is precious!

By-the-way check out our pee pee poll. I did not know there were so many fellow yellow water makers. I am truly proud! Make sure you vote if you have not already. I think there are still 4 more days. Tell your friends to vote. I am seriously very curious how many of us there are out there.


  1. The flowers are beautiful! What a good hubby :) And I just wanted to mention that I think Madddy is such a fun little baby.. I can't wait for our next mommy date!!!

  2. There is a Seinfeld episode on peeing in the shower. They talk about if they do it or not. Made me think of all of you sickos out there :)!
