Friday, April 3, 2009

Just some babble and some pics.

I first wanted to say thank you to all of you who participated in the pee pee poll.  I was honestly surprised to find that many people who pee in the shower.  28 to 12 is pretty dang impressive.

So, I always use the cop-out that I am just not the creative type. I look at a lot of my girl friends and I admire their creations so much. I have friends who are amazing photographers, I have some who create the most beautiful clothing and other types of arts. I could write a list of all the things many of my friends can do, but it would be a little too long for this post. I love people who embrace their talents and run with them. I think for me at times the fear of failure stops me from using my creative abilities. Although I am not the artsy type I do have creative abilities which I really need to expand on, otherwise they are such a waist. Click here to listen to this short exert about creativity. I've posted the whole talk in the past, but this short little part of the speech does the trick. It really inspired me today and I wanted to share it with all of you.

So, Madeline got her pics taken with the Easter bunny. I also have some pics of her playing in the water. This little girl amazes me every day. She is our own personal ray of sunshine. WE ARE SO BLESSED!  Oh and please don't throw up when you look at my white pasty legs.  Blame it on UT who likes to tease us with the sun and then rip it away!


  1. Pretty sure you don't have to be jealous of any creativeness here! Love the picture of Madeline with the Easter Bunny :)

  2. Lucky you guys. Is she walking now?
