Sunday, March 8, 2009

Madeline's b-day. So late, sorry.

Madeline's birthday was amazing and I feel bad that it has taken me this long to post some pics. My parents came out for her birthday, which really meant a lot to me and I am sure a lot to Madeline.  Madeline really does have the most amazing Grandparents.  Not that I ever questioned how much they would love her, I just get so grateful that both sets of Grandparents love her so much, spoil her so much and are so involved in her life.  We live in different states which makes it hard, but the effort that both Grandparents make, makes me feel so blessed!

So as you can see from the pics above Madeline got a little messy from her cake.  I really though Madeline would have a field day with that cake and make a mess.  However, I have raised a kind of clean baby, which I did not think was possible.  I had to shove her hands into the frosting and she actually got upset with me and wanted me to clean it off.  When she gets things on her hands she shows it to me and expects me to clean it immediately.  I really had to rub that frosting all over her.  She got into it a little more with time, as she did with the cake in her 12-month pics, but really, not what I was expecting from a child who came from me.  It was so cute though, to see that look of shock when we actually wanted her to make a mess.  What a girl!

I swear since the day Madeline turned one she has gotten even more personality and I absolutely love it.  I can't get enough of her.  She snuggles and kisses everything.  She is an absolute expert at blowing kisses.  These aren't just any kisses either.  They would knock you over if she happens to blow one your way.  That girl does everything with such passion.  

She is not walking yet, however she could if she wanted to.  She climbs up on everything and walks along it.  She got an awesome walker for her birthday from our friends Brittany and Matt and she LOVES it.  It cracks me up though, she looks like a little old lady pushing her walker. She has quite the waddle needless to say.  

She is talking up a storm lately as well.  She points to everything and says "dat," like "what's that."  I have a feeling she is going to talk my ears off, which I deserve from all the years of being such a big mouth myself.  Her little voice is the most precious voice that makes me melt.  Speaking of melting I had to organize her clothes that no longer fit her the other day (2 HUGE bins by the way).  I totally cried.  She is not my itty bitty baby anymore.  It goes WAY too fast, but I have to say we are enjoying every second of it with her.

I will post some more later, but I wanted to give a quick little update.  Thank you so much Mom and Dad and Mom and Dad Deter for spoiling Madeline like crazy and making her first birthday so special.  Also, thanks to all our friends who also spoiled her.  It was a wonderful day.


  1. Love the pictures! It was such a fun day!

  2. how sad is packing up cute little clothes? i hate that, and we have wayyyy toooo much clothes packed away! looks like a great birthday!

  3. I'm so sad we missed her party! Sorry I wish we could have been there. Hey can we hang out next week? I'll call you. We should go to lunch or something.
