Friday, June 11, 2010

Reader/Viewer Warning: Detailed birth story with a detailed picture (not of me of course).

So, I have been asked on several occasions to write about my birth story. I always like to hear other people birth stories, so I can understand the inquiries. I decided I would appease those who asked and blog about it. However, I do want to apologize for any gross details and pics. I am probably giving a lot more info than some were looking for, but it just how I am and most of you should know that by now. I am not forcing you to read, or look, so honestly I don't feel all that bad :)

So, I was hopefully going to go into labor naturally, but we scheduled an induction date for about 4-5 days after my due date just in case. They ended up calling me and told me that we had to up the date since there was another lady who actually had a medical reason for needing the date I had chosen. The date was changed to May 24th, the day after I was due. This was not ideal for Matt's work schedule, since his boss (who I am not the biggest fan of) only let him have 3 days off. However, I was not sad to get that baby out of me, I was soooooooooooo uncomfortable and so sick of people telling me how big my belly was. I did not get that big with Maddie, so it was annoying.

I went in at 7am to be induced. I was dilated at a 4 already, so I was doing really well. However, Myla did not want to come down, which was the same problem with Maddie. I was at a -1 forever. I insisted that they have the epidural ready if they were going to give me the petocin. The anestegiolagist was busy, so they said I would have to get the petocin and then the epidural a little later. I still pushed it and my nurse was awesome, so she made sure he came quickly. I got the petocin and then the epidural about 2-3 hours later. I forgot to mention that they broke my water first thing at about 8:30am. The contractions were pretty painful, but totally tolerable. The epidural was AWESOME! It kicked in right away and it was not like the first time. I could still totally move my legs and feel all the pressure. I loved it, cuz I still knew what was going on.

I quickly progressed to a 10, but I don't remember what time it was. Myla was coming down, but they told me that I was really going to have to push hard for this one to come out. I literally pushed with everything I had. Towards the end they were pretty sure they were going to have to get that vacuum thing and suck her out. I DID NOT WANT THIS! I pushed so hard that I have to say that my doc was pretty shocked. I tore pretty bad where I had my episiotomy the last time. I was really bleeding a lot as well, so the doc was pretty concerned. I guess that I spraid blood all the way across the room onto the wall. Pretty nasty.

Myla's shoulder ended up getting stuck on my bones as well, so we were not having any luck getting her out. I was still determined though and gave it all I had and their she came, flying out after about an hour of pushing at 12:47pm. She was 8lb 1oz and 19 inches long. Since, most of you have seen my midgetness, you know that is a pretty big baby for me.

I also forgot to mention that when I was prego the doc found an extra lobe inside of me. They were concerned because they were not sure if the umbilical cord was going into that lobe instead of the baby. They checked things out further and it turned out to be fine and the lobe was not affecting me, nor the baby. The doc just told me that they were going to have to do quite a bit of digging around after I had the baby, therefore she was relieved to know I was getting an epidural.

So, once the baby was out she had to be down there for about 45 min or so. She was sewing and digging. She first brought out my placenta that Myla was in. It was HUGE, she said. She said that Myla had quite the condo inside of me. Then it was time to get my lobe out. It turns out that I had an extra placenta. It was also enormous and the doc was very surprised. She had never seen anything like that and it was definitely not normal. I asked her if it was possible that I was prego with twins. She said she could not say yes or no and that they would never really know, or be able to tell. However, all that stuff inside of me explains why my belly got quite large in the end she explained.

Matt was absolutely wonderful through the whole birth. With Maddie he held one of my legs, but this time he kind of just cheered me on, while the nurses were holding onto me. I liked it that way too, I felt like he could enjoy the moment a little more that way and I could enjoy it with him. He said that this time he got a little more emotional maybe cuz he got to witness more, than have to work. He really made me feel good the whole time though and he always handles everything with such calmness.

Afterwards I kept throwing up and I swelled up like no tomorrow. The doc and nurses were pretty concerned and said I had to stay an extra day, which was fine. They agreed that I set the record for being the most swollen (down stairs if you know what I mean) that they have ever seen. I was in A LOT of pain, even more this time around. I have to say that this recovery has been a lot more difficult for me than the first time. The bones that Myla got caught on are constantly aching and the pain wont go away. I am mending though and doing A TON better.

Myla is sooooooooo beautiful and we love her very much. She has only been here a little over 2 weeks and I already feel like she has always been here. Having children and the very moment of giving birth is a huge reminder to me what an incredible gift and power our Heavenly Father has given us; the ability to create human life, and it IS NOT TO BE TAKEN FOR GRANTED. I absolutely just love my girls :)

I am posting pics of the placenta's (they are super nasty, so again don't look if you don't want to be really grossed out) below and then of someone a lot more beautiful; Myla.


  1. I cannot believe you had 2 placenta's!!!! Holy moly! I am amazed you got that little girl out with all that was inside of there :) You had her just as we were leaving for the airport. I am bummed we didn't get to see her, but I love the pics!

  2. Yikes that sounds very unpleasant! But for some morbid reason I really like hearing other people's birth stories. I'm glad that you're doing better now & I'm excited to see you guys so soon! I'm still not sure what day so I'll let you know. One question - are those professional pics from the hospital or at home? Scott wanted to get a photographer for Mason & he was pretty bummed out when I said no. Maybe next time.

  3. Wow sounds like it was quite the day. Crazy you have 2 placenta's! Anyway your Myla is a beauty just like her Mom. Congrats my dear!

  4. Congratulations! She's beautiful! I'm glad everything worked out in the end. CRAZY.

  5. OUCH!!!!!! at least she is adorable and worth it! congrats! heres to happy healing and a beautiful little one!

  6. I enjoyed reading the full story and seeing those pictures of Myla so fresh and new!

  7. Congratulations you guys!!! She is beautiful and we're so glad that mom and baby are happy and healthy!! What a beautiful angel Myla is!!

  8. yay for pics! she's so cute! hope you're feeling ok :)
