Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My Wish List. It's not too much is it :)

My Birthday is coming up July 27th and this Thursday is Matt's and my wedding anniversary, so I thought I would come up with a wish list. This is purely a WISH list that will definitely remain a WISH most likely, however it is fun to dream sometimes don't you think?

1)My first and most greatest desire is to get a pass to this gym: click here. It is literally right around the corner from our house and it is beautiful don't you think? I want to lose this prego weight asap, it is driving me nuts. I just want to be normal again and back in shape. Of course to look good, but mainly just to feel myself again.

2)Get a necklace made from this site: click here. I want one heart to say Madeline and one to say Myla. I think they are so beautiful and want one so bad. This is probably one of my few realistic desires, however patience is a virtue right?

3)I want to go to Magic Mountain with my Dad for the day.

4)I want to take Maddie to Disney Land for the day; just me and her, or the three of us and get a babysitter for Ms. Myla. I just really think that she deserves a day alone with Mom and Dad. She has had a hard time adjusting to the new sister, but has done a wonderful job of it and we are so proud of her and I always want her to know how much we are obsessed with her.

5)I want this tent for the beach: click here, or here, or here. The last one is my favorite. I think it would make life at the beach so much easier, especially going with our new little one.

6)I just want to go after prego clothing shopping. My wardrobe is slim and has lost its excitement. After you have a kid you do not feel the most attractive, so it is nice to get some cute, and yes vain, things in your wardrobe (I don't mean vain as in expensive, just new) to make yourself feel a little better.

So, those are my desires. I must sound like the most selfish girl, but again, they are just wishes, I do not expect them to come true, at least for now. I have some even bigger wishes like going on a trip alone with my hubby, however since I am nursing those dreams will have to wait for a while and I could go on and on about my dreams to travel everywhere with him. Matt is the best travel buddy. I hope you enjoyed.

What do you want??? I love to hear other ideas.


  1. Those all look like great wishes. Mike actually gave me a gift card for my birthday in May specifically for after pregnancy clothes because he remembers how much I hated the transition between maternity clothes being a little big and regular clothes being a little snug. I hope you get some of those things!! That gym looks amazing and I would love to go there too.

  2. Hey Marcie! I feel your pain. I feel so frumpy. I just went to the mall the other day to get some new tops. I didn't get any new pants because I am determined to where my old ones. We will see. I still feel not cute. Hopefully it will get better. We are in the same boat. I love that necklace. It is adorable. that is on my wish list now. I hope you find some cute clothes. Oh ya, and the gym. It should probably be on my wish list but is far from it. I got some pilate cds that you can do with your baby. We will see how they go. :)

  3. I love my necklace from the vintage pearl, so I do hope you get one of those! It is always fun to have a wish list, it kind of keeps you going...and hopefully you can check things off eventually!

  4. The necklace is beautiful and I don't think your wish list is too farfetched. OK, so the Renaissance Club is kind of a crazy wish, but the rest is reasonable. Happy b-day/anniversary!

  5. I think you deserve all of those wishes! You are too funny. If you need a shopping partner I am there! Myla is beautiful, I can't wait to see her in person. I just joined blogspot and am trying to figure it all out!

  6. You must think at some point I became mature...nope not yet! I already applied online. I am not sure if I can go in after I have already applied online. Do you know when and where it is?

  7. I think you have a small list. I never sit down to write them because they would never end...or just be to out of control for Kris to even give it a serious look. I think all your wishes are good ones. I'll cross my fingers that you get them...or at least all by your next birthday :)

  8. Hey Marcie! I found you on FB then saw your blog site, love it. And I LOVE that necklace you want! I might have to add it to my wish list as well. Hope you don't mind that I hunted you down. I hope you had a fabulous birthday. :)
