Friday, February 19, 2010

2 years old :(

This is our Maddie last year:

Now she is two. We have not had her Birthday party yet. I will post pics of her Birthday later, but here are some pics I took, so I could get her Birthday card out. I love every moment with this little girl. Enjoy:


  1. She is so adorable! I can't believe she's two! That means it will be Grady's turn soon. :-( We miss you guys and hope you're doing well!

  2. Oh my word, she is just so big! I remember taking those pictures of her last year, and now look at her. I miss that girl! I hope she has a wonderful birthday! This is crazy to me that our kids are turning 2, what happened? :) Love you guys!

  3. she is so adorable! i miss her cuteness...and her supergirl cape :)

  4. Seriously adorable!!! She is the most photogenic little thing ever. We miss you guys!

  5. I can't believe how much she has changed in one year. She isn't a baby anymore. So cute!!!!! Did you take these pictures yourself? I love them! Hope you are feeling well!

  6. I think she looks a lot like your hubby. Great smile!

  7. She is so cute i can't believe she is two how fun. How are you feeling?

  8. She is so adorable. I just want to squeeze her! Can't believe how big she is getting. I love your pics...Happy Birthday Maddie!

  9. what a difference a year makes! she is so so so cute!
