Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I absolutely love Easter.  I also unfortunately love Cadbury eggs.  I would like to meet the sheer genius who invented these yummy, calorie filled treats, which are making my workouts absolutely miserable and I may need a program to ween me off of them.  

All that aside Easter was wonderful.  Our neighbors invited us to do a Easter Egg hunt last Saturday, but was canceled due to the UGLY, ANNOYING weather.  We changed it to this previous Saturday, and although it was a little cold, it worked out perfect.  

Since Madeline is only one I thought she would not be that into the whole Easter Egg hunt part, but I was pleasantly surprised.  She was actually excited to grab the eggs and put them in her basket.  Our friends Brittany and Matt were nice enough to donate their Elmo basket to us.  If anyone knows Madeline, they know how much she loves Elmo.  Ever since the hunt she has been playing with her plastic eggs and her basket all day long.  She even had to have her eggs in her bath with her today.  

After the hunt we went to Brittany and Matt's to dye eggs.  It is definitely not a talent I have, but I do enjoy it.  Easter is so beautiful and meaningful.  It is Spring time.  Time to Spring forward and start anew.  And of course the most important time to remember what our Savior did for us.  I thought it was so cute.  My neighbor came over and told me that she knew Saturday would be ugly and then Easter Sunday would be beautiful.  She said that it is always like that, that the day our Lord resurrected was and is always beautiful and it is definitely not just chance that has led it to be that way.  We are of different faiths, however that does not matter at all.  I love how individuals of different faiths can come together and acknowledge the Sacrifice and Atonement, which our Lord did for each and everyone of us.

On Friday, the day before the hunt, I got to host Activity Days for the young girls in our church. I love this calling and these girls.  They are a stronger example to me than I probably am to them.  Anyways, we spoke about Easter, why we celebrate it and the significance of what Jesus did for us on the cross and through his resurrection.  We had a nice talk.  I remember reading a scripture, sorry I don't have the reference on hand, but it mentioned how every hair on our head is accounted for by our Heavenly Father.  I loved it!  He loves us so much, that every piece of us, hair and all, is accounted for.  Maybe that is why I am having such a hard time trying to convince myself to cut a little bit off of Madeline's mohawk, mullet.   

Anyways, Easter Sunday was great as well.  We went to church, I made some ham with pineapple, and then we went and had some dessert with our friends Sami and John. Yummiest carrot cake ever.  It was so nice to have some friends to spend the day with.  We get lonely without our families at times here in Utah, so it made our day more complete.

What a wonderful Day!!!


  1. Love the pictures! We had fun coloring eggs with you guys too!

  2. Madeline is ADORABLE! I need to see her! Why don't we hang out! Seriously we need to work on this. We miss you guys.

  3. Love the pix! Especially the one on the swing! When we get together or Wednesday remind me to tell you the cute Easter ideas a friend just gave me. You'll love them!

  4. Madeline is such a cutie....I just want to squeeze her. I love all the addorable faces that she makes. She is gorgeous just like her Mom!
