Monday, March 16, 2009

Bubbles and Yellow Water!

So, I was giving Madeline a bath this morning and then all of a sudden the water started bubbling. I started cracking up. Yes, she did, she farted in her tub.  For those of you who know us pretty well I am sure you are thinking, "wow she is definitely your and Matt's daughter."

Anyways, her bubbles made me think of a poll that I thought would be funny. When Matt and I got married I found out that he pees in the shower. I thought this was absolutely disgusting. I made him stop needless to say. I swear, just a few days after, Matt got athletes foot. To this day he swears that because he stopped peeing in the shower he got athletes foot. So, the sucker that I am, I let him return to peeing in the shower. Right after I let him continue his yellow water makin his athletes foot went away. Coincidence, I don't know.

I would like all of you, and of course this is anonymous, to answer my poll. Do you pee in the shower? Even if you only sometimes pee in the shower you need to answer yes. Only if you NEVER pee in the shower can you answer no.

Not to gross all of you out, but to make you feel more comfortable, yes I am now a yellow water maker and I must admit, it is liberating!

Here are some pics of her on the Merry-go-round as well. She absolutely loved it. She even cried when we took her off. This was the first time Matt got to see her and take her on the Merry-go-round. He was in heaven! That girl is so much fun!


  1. Oh my gosh, she is getting so cute I can't stand it. I love the poll, by the way!

  2. i made luke stop that too, so nasty! funny about the athletes foot though. i will not be telling luke that!

  3. She is so stinkin cute! Yeah so some day I will have to tell you my funny story about peeing in the shower! :)

  4. Your little girl is such a doll:) As for the card on my blog. You have to download picasa3 it is free and so awesome. Easy to use. When you are done making a collage you can go to the bottom and click on blog this and it goes straight to your blog. You can only use it on a PC though not a mac:) Have fun!
