Sunday, February 8, 2009

I love this girl!

Madeline becomes more and more entertaining each day. We taught her to throw her arms in the air every time we say "touch down." Also, when we say "muscles" she flexes her arms so hard and makes that adorable constipated sound and face. It cracks me up.

She is also not the biggest fan of her veggies. I was feeding her sweet potatoes and corn in these pictures. Initially she got a little on her hand and thought it would be funny to rub it in her hair. She kept getting more and more on her hands and gave herself a full head massage with her sweet potatoes and corn. I just let her have at it. I have to prepare her for her first birthday you know. It was a great reason to give her a bath afterwards anyway. I just love her!!!


  1. She's so cute! I'll call you this week so we can get together. Sorry I didn't call you back.. Devin was out of town and just got back yesterday. So we'll have to make plans soon!

  2. I can't wait to meet Maddie!! I hope you guys are still planning on coming out in the summer! Glad you liked my blog!

  3. i hear sweet potatoes and corn are good for the scalp.

  4. That is so hilarious! Such cute pictures. You're such a cute Mom to just let her do her thing. I am sure it was fun to watch!

  5. Wow, this is what I have to look forward to! Lovin it!! She is such a cute girl. That is funny about the touchdown thing cause that is what my niece does and Brandon always says that to Easton because Easton likes to sleep with his arms above his head. :)

  6. She is so sweet. And adorable!

  7. That is great you ran into Kate. Isn't she amazing...both of you are! I hear that boot camp is intense....I can't wait to bump into you to hear all about it.
