Monday, February 2, 2009


While we are true Giant's fans in this house, due to my husbands love for them and really they are a great team, my Dad is a hardcore Steelers fans. I have always supported him with his love of the Steelers. Also, this could have not come at a better time. My parents have been going through a lot lately and my Dad really deserved this.

GO STEELERS!!!! I am so happy for you Dad!


  1. I was watching too from home, cheering out loud for my dogs to witness [heh heh]. I waited for opportunities to call your mom and dad to shout out. I am glad for the outcome of the game. I trust that our princess was wearing her cheerleading outfit :-)

    xoxo aunt patty

  2. You are so cute. Yay for football being over!:) ha ha.

  3. I love our new tradition at church too. It is gonna make church even better. :) I think your hubby is crazy for not hitting you up all the time.
