Sunday, November 9, 2008

Why I am a Republican. Please read. I wrote a lot and worked hard on this.

So, I went to a friend’s house last night and we were speaking about politics. My friend showed me some amazing videos on YouTube that I wanted to share with all of you. These videos led to some much needed venting and I decided to do so on my blog. I hope all of you enjoy and feel free to share these videos with as many people as possible. -

My friend showed me another video of Obama yesterday where he commented on his views about abortion. He said that he would do the best that he could to raise and teach his daughters to do what is right. However, if they made a mistake he does not want them PUNISHED with a child. PUNISHED! Are you kidding me? Last time I checked a child was a BLESSING!!! How I wish every infertile woman who has been filling herself with drugs to have a child, has been saving her pennies to adopt a child, who has been on her knees night and day praying that God would BLESS her with a child, would have watched that video. So many women begging to give life, and so many liberals in favor of taking that life away because it is not convenient for them. That makes me sick. Yet liberals say we should not have guns, we should not go to war against the very countries that are plotting daily on how to kill us. Talk about a walking and voting contradiction.

Also, lets teach our children that they do not have to pay the consequences of their actions and they can escape personal responsibility with just a quick little shot. Don't give them an "F" on their tests in schools because it might hurt their feelings and it is mean. That will definitely help them in the real world. Is it not mean for them to have an abortion and when that abortion does not work they can have the baby and leave it on a table to die from neglect. I love how you can justify murder for an innocent child, yet not a terrorist country who is planning daily on how to kill us and a criminal who has spent his life killing and raping.

In high school I was definitely not one of your model children. I would not say I was horrible, but I cannot say that I was proud of some of my actions. I remember going to parties where everyone was drinking and many smoking weed or cigarettes. You would think these high schoolers were throwing these parties while their parents were out of town. This surely was not the case. Low and behold I would see the mother of the child, who was throwing these parties, getting drunk with the rest of them. I am sure so many of us thought, "wow, her Mom is so cool, she doesn't even have to hide what she is doing." Although I was not making the best choice by attending these parties I looked at those Mothers and their children with pity. I don't care how stupid I was, I wanted a parent, not a friend who would rationalize my stupid actions. I fought with my parents quite a bit in high school. It wasn't their fault, it was mine. I am sure I told both of my parents that I hated them. I am positive I made them feel bad for not giving in on what I wanted like all the other parents. However, these are the many examples that show you what amazing parents I had and still have. They weren't selfish; they rather me hate them and teach me what is right than fit in with the crowd and have me grow up not knowing who I was and what I stood for. My Mom is a strong independent woman who I respect and look up to. She did not tell me what I wanted to hear, she told me what I needed to hear. I don't blame my parents for my dumb mistakes. Everyone wants a scape goat to point the finger at now days. Wake up America, if you keep pointing the finger at others for your screw ups all of you are going to end up pointing the finger at each other and you are going to run out of people to blame. If you mess up, accept it, suffer the consequences and I guarantee you that you will be a better person for it. For those who get pregnant at a young age out of wedlock you do not deserve to be shunned by society by no means. However, your child does not deserve to die for fear of your embarrassment either. Give that child to a loving family who could not otherwise have children if you are not ready. That is true selflessness you cannot find very often anymore. - why I am a Republican! -

Hmmmm. Why did I vote for McCain and not Obama you might ask? I love how he comments on how liberals are supposed to be open minded, yet everything they say and do contradicts what they supposedly stand for. I've stated my opinion about Prop. 8. I've stated my opinion about Obama. I've stated my opinion about many political issues. Yet every time my opinion does not coincide with my liberal friends, neighbors, fellow men, I've been called a bigot, heartless, a hater, a racist, and many names I cannot, or will not post here. Talk about class, or the lack of it. I am entitled to say what I want, when I want and I am NOT sorry if it does not coincide with your opinion. I am sorry that you have no respect for anyone but your own opinion. So who is close-minded, prejudice and immature? Grow up liberals; we do not all have to agree with you. - Abortion, please have a box of tissues when you watch this. - More on abortion. Please watch!

- Lets tax the rich, they make too much anyways and that is just not fair to the poor.

Please lets tax the rich and not the poor. Lets take from those who have worked and PAYED their entire lives to give to those who did not. I am so sick of people telling me that I should be REQUIRED to pay for those who are less fortunate than me. I love this quote and hopefully I am quoting it correctly: “Give a man a fish and he can eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he can eat for life.” Lets change this quote for the liberal now: “Give a rich man a fishing pole and let him give all of his fish to the poor.” Or wait, here is another one: “Give a man a fishing pole and as soon as he gets too many fish rip it away from him.” I just made those up myself, I hope you like them. My Father grew up in a one-bedroom apartment with a total of six children. He never complained and whined that the world owed him THEIR money. He got off his butt, he studied, and he worked hard at the bottom of the pay scale. Now he is a successful, independent business owner. He didn’t become the man he is today by mooching off the hard earned money of others, he earned his OWN money and his OWN position in life. Everyone can do this, everyone has the ability to become what he or she wants to become. If not, what is the point of dreams in the first place? Charity is a beautiful thing, should we take that away too? I am by no means a perfect person, but I would like to consider myself a pretty charitable person. I am sure I have much to work on however. Yet, if I am REQUIRED to be charitable, then charity ceases to exist. Charity is a voluntary action that we should do if we WANT to. I am not saying the world would not be a better place if everyone was charitable, but hey, we live in an imperfect world with imperfect people. I feel for those who suffer and do not have jobs, or struggle financially. To be honest however, some of the happiest and humblest people I know are poor. Lets return to my Dad. How did he become a successful business owner again? My Dad’s parents had very little money throughout his childhood. They really struggled. Through those struggles my Dad realized that if he wanted to have money he had to work hard and it was not always going to be EASY or FUN. Due to those struggles my Dad became strong and even though he now has plenty of money in his pocket he is still a humble man who appreciates what he has. Because he appreciates what he has he WILLINGLY and quite often gives to others. Not because someone told him to, but because he knows what it is like to start at the bottom and work your way up. Do we really want to take this away from our fellow man; to know what it is like to become what you want to become by the sweat of your own brow?

-Universal Health Care. Please lets enable all the drug users and those too lazy to pay and work for their own health care.

Universal Health Care, or should we call this Socialism? Lets take away the incentive to work hard. Why don’t we take away competition in general? In fact I say we should change the entire Olympics. The Olympics is all about competition. I don’t think it is fair that some can run, jump and throw faster and higher than others. We should ALL win the Gold metal. That way no one’s feelings would be hurt. What is that you say, “then no one would have the desire or motivation to run faster or jump higher?” We thrive on competition! Competition is the very essence of success. Not because we want others to fail, but because we want to be the best that we can be. Believe it or not competition is what creates happiness, it is what creates true quality. Because of competition we have some of the highest skilled doctors in the world. Why do the majority of people from other countries come to the US to get major surgeries done? Where are we going to go now if we need a major surgery done? Again, I am not completely heartless, I do feel for those who do have medical issues and are in debt because of those issues. Lets reflect on our Saviors plan vs. Satan’s plan. Ok, Heavenly Father said that he wanted to send us (all of his children) here on earth to be tested on every level. He knew there would be crime, there would be death, there would be evil. He even knew that many innocent people would suffer. Does this mean that he does not love us, that he sent us here to torture us? No, he is a loving Heavenly Father who knows what is best for us. Ether 12: 27 – “And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness, I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto to them.” Oh, how I love that scripture! Now Satan’s plan: He said that we would all be sent to earth, there would be no evil and everyone would be equal and return to heaven and he would have all the power. That sounds pretty sweet doesn’t it? Pretty idealistic if I might say so. I am hearing bells of Socialism and Communism ringing right now. Satan wanted none of us to grow, none of us to learn. He wanted us to all depend on his power hungry self. He didn't want us to succeed. How can you stand up if you never fell down the the first place? How would you know the difference if you've never done both? We must know failure in order to know success. Do you truly believe our government does not want the same that Satan himself wanted? Why are we so set on giving them all the power and taking away what our forefathers fought for; “a government for the people and by the people.” No, we rather have a government that tells the people what to do and how to do it. While I feel sorry for those who are sincerely sick and suffer for it, I should not be made responsible by the government to pay for their medical needs. Hate to tell all of you this, but the majority of those who claim they cannot afford medical insurance are not exactly telling you the full truth. This is what I refer to as playing the victim card. The vast majority of these people opt not to pay for medical insurance so they will receive medical treatment for free, since it is funded by the government (our tax dollars in other words). These poor individuals who sit at home all day and do drugs and have countless babies because no one introduced them to condoms or birth control. I do not want to pay for their health care! Call me selfish; call me judgmental, I don’t care. I will look back at you and call you an enabler. What incentive do these people have to stop doing drugs, to stop having innocent children to use them for an additional paycheck from YOUR pocket book, and to go back to work and pay for their own medical care? I don’t have time, or the energy right now to speak to those of you who truly are not taking advantage of our medical system. My Dad is a financial advisor and sells health insurance for a living. Later I will post what those of you can do if this truly is your hardship. There is a way to afford medical care without making it Universal and forcing others to pay for your medical needs. My last thought on the subject: “why would any of you want a corrupt, power hungry government controlling your health care anyway?” I will post some more later.

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